Pro-Tips to-Increase-Website Traffic Using,||-Google-Sites-||-in-2023
How To get traffic and quality backlink from google sites, for free: hello everyone and once again welcome to a new and fresh blog post about traffic series,, how do you know about it, in this series or website traffic section I will tell you different types of methods and ways to increase traffic to your website quickly and for free,
So if you want to know more about how you can grow your website for free with Facebook, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr, Medium, social media and more, check out all the other blog posts I will write just for you and I assure you that if you follow all these blog posts you will be able to get a lot of free traffic to your blog.
So let's know about the Google site traffic method.
How to get traffic from, Google Sites?
You may know about Google Pages for the first time, if so, I will tell you a little about Google Pages, So Google Pages is an old Google platform that helps you create the type of blog or other types of websites that you want, but few people are currently using this Google pages to get traffic from Google search results for blogs and affiliate marketing.
1: Do some keyword research for ||Google sites...............
How you know very well that keyword research is so important even if you are a newbie and you are Neil Patel or Brain Dein because you know that without keyword research your blog post is useless and you have no chance to rank your blog post but it is indexed on google but not ranked and without ranking is useless.
However, you don't need to do separate keyword research for Google sites for your blog post, even if you do separate keyword research for Google sites, which is a plus point for you, but regardless if you do the same keyword research for your website. blog post
and article on google pages but your content must be separate and unique and google always values unique and engaging content and try to write article for your target audience not for google because google is not interested in your articles but your audience is.
And if you need a free keyword generator for keyword research, you must try Aherfs keyword generator and if you don't know about it, read my step-by-step guide to Aherfs keyword generator.
2: Write an SEO friendly post for Google sites.
So the second step is to write SEO optimized content and on page SEO because without keyword research you won't be able to write content and without content you won't be able to drive traffic to your blog 😁 and this way create excellent and engaging content for your target audience and always add images for better attraction.
So after writing SEO Friendly Post on Google sites optimize it and do some internal linking with original post and website so it will help you to increase traffic of your blog post from Google sites and also you will get free backlink from Google sites and this is a plus point for your website so traffic plus backlink is so good and useful for your website.
3: Submit your Google site to Search Console.
After you have done your keyword research and written your SEO Friendly article on Google, now you need to take the last and most important step, what is it?
The last step is to submit your site to Google search console, but the process of submitting Google sites is different from other sites, so
How To submit google pages to search console?
You need to add your website to Google Analytics and you will get the code from Google Analytics, then you can submit the code to Google Pages and then you will be able to add Your wapsite to Google Search Console.
After you submit your Google Pages to Search Console, wait for your Google Pages to be indexed, and after your Google Pages are indexed, you will be able to start getting traffic from Google Pages to your blog, but before you start getting traffic from Google Search to your Google Pages.
Conclusion on how to get traffic from Google sites.
So my dear friends I very much hope you will like this informative blog post if you read and follow this blog post very carefully so it will help you to get decent traffic for your blog for free so please follow all the steps that I will provide you in this blog post./
And if you have any type of question related to this blog post on how to increase traffic to your website using Google Pages, don't worry, ask your questions in the comment section of this blog post and I will give you the most and very informative and a helpful answer to your questions and my answer will help you solve your problems.
And I know you don't forget to share this blog post so kindly share this blog post with your friends so that they can also increase their income by increasing traffic to their website through Google Sites so please share this blog post with your Blogger friends who won't be able to bring decent traffic to your blog because as you know Sharing Is Caring! ! !
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